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Harry Potter - J.K Rowling - Audio Book - 1-7 - Stephen Fry
Audio > Audio books
3.66 GB

Spoken language(s):
+36 / -0 (+36)

Nov 14, 2008


Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling Audio Books 1-7 

Read by: Stephen Fry (MP3's)

Broken into Chapters

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Thank you to all those who help seed this file!!!!!!!!!!	

I am sorry for the seeding/downloading problems that people are having. I seed this file at highest bandwidth with no upload limit there is nothing more that I can do.	The file is 3.6 Gigs so it will take a little bit.


Great Thanks for the Upload, love Harry Potter but i a slow reader.

Yes, indeed, a very slow reader. But seed,
please, I'm stuck at 50%, and only 20 kbps.
please seed!!!
Im going to seed this for a while for everyone else once im done downloading it but thanks for the upload

Total Uploaded: 241 GB
Total Downloaded:327 GB
Total Running Time:1783:15:59
Number of torrents added: 436
Program launched:55 times

please seed
Jim dale is MUCH MUCH MUCH better! Stephen Fry is. Just. A. Ver. Slow. Reader. But please seed, I wanna download this crap!
Very Good Torrent. Only if putting into iTunes, the last chapter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the author is "J. K. Rowling" whereas all of the others is it "J.K. Rowling" there is a space for that author only and it doesn't get grouped with the other songs, you have to change it for it to group with them. Other than that, all cover art was there (if i remember correctly, but maybe not for the 7th i'm not sure) and i was amazed that all the files are arranged into chapters, whereas the other audiobooks i've downloaded of other books they've just been into insignificant parts. Very, very amazing upload. Thank you very much uploader!! total download time about 32 hours. Seeding!!!
Lots of seeds available, only a few people are allowing their torrents to be uploaded. Come on now everyone share. To those that are sharing, thank you. To those that are happy to download at 25 but only happy to share them at 1.1, shame on you.
Come on guys turn up your up speed it will help us all download
Who thinks Jim Dale sucks and Stephen Fry rocks, and who thinks Jim Dale rocks and Stephen Fry sucks? Please answer!!!
I don't know who Steven Fry or Jim Dale are. So they both rock/suck.
great download! everything in order and it only took about 12 hours to complete.
is there a way to convert to mp4?
Nevermind, I used this program and it worked well if anone else wants to convert file types for ebookshttp:
This is beautiful!!

agreed that Fry's a bit(not annoyingly) slow but keeping that aside its absolutely fine!!

YEAH! Great thanks. Have listen to Sixth and seventh books of Harry Potter when Steven reads, he is MUCH more nice reader than Jim dale. Jim dale sounds so lame, but stevens cool! He is like Krister Henriksson that is reading all books in swedish. Steven and Krister is very alike, the other ones are talking like the same all through the book. Thats kinda boring after a wile...
Oh, well good night evrybody!
]ThePirateGirl, 12 year old girl from Sweden ;)[
Hey guys :) This is a really nice upload, thank you firebug_three
Please seed! Downloading speeds currently ridiculous... lucky to be getting 0.2!
Once again, PLEASE SEED! Been stuck at 37.52% for three days!
I've been at 99.8 for several weeks. It's no use complaining, it'll happen sometime or another ;)
190 seeders is more than enough, you whiners. Damn, I've gotten albums with only 2 people seeding before within 8 hours.

Besides, the download is 3.66 GB! That doesn't happen overnight, so B.E Patient!

Thanks for uploading!

Very good quailty,I recommend if using uTorrent that you set The first book high prioirty, the other 6 low or medium, I have been downloading them in the order (high 1, then 2, then 3 etc.) And I'm listening to number 2 while number 4 downloads.

Very good torrent, thanks.
The problem isn't the speed, i don't mind waiting several weeks for a torrent. The problem is the remaining 0.02% that nobody has been seeding for about 2 months. I'm patient enough i can wait. But please, it's just 0.02% it won't take you many minutes to share.
Winna - I have no control over what files your torrent client downloads or what order it downloads in. If you are using Utorrent try making the missing file high priority. I seed this entire torrent 24/7. I can try to send the last chapter another way if you would like?
Thanks for answering
uhm tpb kind of cut off my comment by the first line. I'll try again ^^ Thanks for answering
oh seriously! Thanks for answering! :D I have seen 2 complete sources online but never connected. We're about 30 people with 99.98% so it's not just me, none of us can get a connection to a seeder. I don't know why none of us can connect to you. I have made the last parts high priority and i've searched for other trackers (can only find the PB one). I'm using Azureus but the others seem to be using all sorts of dl-progs incl. utorrent. Thanks again for answering and thank you for the torrent! I hope this will work eventually cus it's a really nice one.
no prob. How do you want me to send it? and what chapter is it?
i was thinking i could make another torrent with just the one file or see if it will email?
That's very nice of you :D Thank you! I have three incomplete files (of various %age) 1) 30.The White Tomb.mp3 - \06.Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K rowling - 16.64MB
2) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.m3u - \06.Harry Potter and the Helf-Blood Prince by J.K Rowling - 2.2kB
3) J.K Rowling - HPatDH Disk10.mp3 - \07.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows Audiobook - 52.62MB
I think making a new torrent in might be a good idea in general since the tracker seems to be a bit wonky. Thanks again for a great upload! Stephen Fry is awsome :D
winna -

I made the torrent the whole file of the half-blood prince, as for the other two you gave me they are not my torrent files so I do not have those.
Thank you so much. I went to my local library today to copy all these, but they didn't have a single Harry Potter audio book! What a load of fail!
stuck at 99.8, seeds please. Its just 4mb left.
Jim Dale is way better than stephen fry
Saadi, I agree wity you for 300%. Jim Dale reads way better. I will upload the Jim Dale collection one of these days.
Don't download this, unless. You. Want. A. Bad. An. Very. Slow. Reader.
Thanks a lot:D Stephen Fry is king!
Thou shalt not question Stephen Fry...
Thankyou for this!

I thought that Stephen Fry was great, but then I don't know who Jim Dale is.
Ty for torrent. I enjoy listening to Stephen Fry more than Jim Dale.
Thank you - great download!
Excellent torrent, thanks.
Very quick and perfect quality.
how do you make torrents and what is seed
im kinda new here
Stephen Fry is better than Jim Dale. Stephen Fry reads with more emotion in his voice, Jim Dale has no intonation at all. He does use many voices, but he only uses them, he never puts heart into them.
sweet thanks
Thank you very much
Stephen Fry is SO much better than Jim Dale. He captures the tone of Harry Potter so perfectly. It's not a coincidence that he also narrates the video games.
Stephen Fry is not slow.Dale is too fast.Dale's voice does not sound beautifully and healthy.Fry just brings the tale to life.Seed and download, people, you will not regret.
Is this an unabridged version?
Why this torrent doesn't start to download? It seems only red arrow and 0 leechers and seeders?? And other torrents it downloads without problems
i'll try it =)
All I can say is wow. First the quality is amazing in these books. Now about the audio books themselves. Jim Dale is the reader and he does the best job I have ever heard. He has such an amazing voice and he gives each character their unique voice and its crazy how he does this people. I have listened to all 7 books once. Now I have listened to this again for the second time and its still like an old friend. It makes my 1 hour commute to work worthwhile.
Thanks for this. I haven't listened yet but who is the reader? There doesn't seem to be a concencus!
The narrator is Stephen Fry, as in the title.
My first audio book. Thanks
I downloaded the second book and tried it and it sounds fine. thanks! As usual i will seed at least the amount of data that i received. btw Emma Watson is delicious...
can someone please upload the guardians of ga'hoole audiobook series i would really appreciate it
wow really nice torrent thanks uploader
Thanks for the great torrent!

Now, about the narrators... Jim Dale is a great voice actor, and his characters are very distinct. It's easy to forget sometimes that one person is doing the reading. However, he is terrible at speaking the way teenagers do, and I cringe whenever he says "cool". He sounds like your granddad trying to fit in with the kids.

On the other hand, Stephen Fry has no problem with such things, being a pretty cool guy himself. But he doesn't have the same voice acting skills as Dale, which means sometimes the female characters sound a bit like a Monty Python sketch (a man in drag).

I think they're both good. I first listened to the Dale (US) version, and I'm really enjoying the Fry (UK) version as well.
I think Stephen is 1000% better than Jim Dale.

Can't wait till this downloads! Will leave to seed forever :o
Thanks 4 sharing!
Mine finished downloading, and all the files appear to be there, but I have no sound ...

Everyone else's appears to work fine, so does anyone have any suggestions as to what the problem could be?
same problem here, no sound. my drivers are updated, any other audio file works fine, can't se the problem. any suggestions?
Hi, Im kinda new here, what is a seed and how do I download this?
hey alex a seed is a person who has the full file which u download from u r a leech aka the downloader... to downnload u need a program like miro or bittorent to open the files hope this helps!
oh btw miro is for playing movies alex use utorrent ot bittorrent lol
If you think its sooo amazing SEEEEEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is nobody seeding this
How can I connect all the files into one .mp3?
How to connect all files to one MP3? - create a playlist is the easy way to play each file automatically and consecutively.
What's a good program to listen to mp3 audio books with? I always have the problem of bookmarks. apparently vlc does bookmarks, but I can never figure them out. sometimes they don't show, sometimes they don't save, there must be a better way to keep track of your position in the book.
Hey I'm new to this, wondering if someone could help. When downloading this frostwire comes up and the status always comes up with 'waiting 299s for sources' counts it down and then when gets to 0s just goes straight back up to 299s. Anyone know what this is? is it just a question of waiting? also if I click on the magnet link frostwire comes up with 'Could not process bad magnet link' Any ideas anyone? Thank you.!
Thank you!!! thank you! thank you! thank you! :D
Fantastic! Great Quality.
Hi, I downloaded these a while ago and the quality is great. The only problem is the books quit after a while and the iPod returns to the home menu (the old iPod classic). Has anyone else had this problem and how did they fix it? Thanks
philosopher's stone? this isn't full metal alchemist. "Sorcerer's"*
The first book in the Harry Potter series is called Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. The book where written by a writer from the UK. First when the book got to the US people there begun to call it the Sorcerers stone, because that is much easier for them to understand. And its quite a difference. A sorcerer is a kind of magician and a philosopher is someone who thinks a lot and writes smart things down, or something.
But to the point, it is the philosophers stone originally, not sorcerers!
These audiobooks are great! Stephen Fry is as good as they come when it comes to narrating; his voice acting is incredible. The overall quality is good, but there are a couple of chapters (no more than two) where the quality had decreased and the audio became somewhat muffled.

For those who are wondering, J.K. Rowling has written the first book titled as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" first released in the U.K. and published by Bloomsbury. Scholastic, an American publishing company had bought rights to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and felt that people wouldn't want to read a book with the word "Philosopher" in it, so they changed the American version to "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". That being said, the differences between the British version and the American version are extremely vague, so you shouldn't go out of your way to download Jim Dale's version (who narrates the American version) just because you live in the U.S.

Thank you, uploader.
Please seed! :)
thanks very very much, this is perfect!
American Douchebags, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

In the UK, where these books originated, written by JK Rowling, the first book is entitled "The Philosophers Stone" but since you dumbass Americans can't comprehend that word, your pussy publishers changed it to Sorcerers. JK Rowling has already stated that if she were in a better financial position, she would have fought the name change. Also, Stephen Fry reads the British versions, and Jim Dale reads the American versions.

Oh, and, 10/10 for the download. Cheers.
harry potter books read by anyone but Jim Dale should be illegal

i cant listen to this


so basically fuck off we dont like you :)

that is mainly meant for A_Dying_Baby
Paul, there's a bit of difference between 'brought with' and 'stole'. Second, you don't really have a leg to stand on as far as raping television shows, given you cast Matt Smith as the Doctor.

On the other hand, you do have Stephen Fry, which tends to make up for the rest of your glaring shortcomings and decidedly overall cunty attitude.
Believe I could listen to the man read an encyclopedia and be quite content.

Americans are so stupid...... the Sorcerer's stone..... how stupid
Sorcerer's Stone - so every last American breathing is to blame for Scholastic's little faux pas: that's fair. Apparently they thought that their target audience would go for a book about witches and wizards (correct on that one) but were worried that they would be put off by any reference to philosophy (alas, probably right there too), notwithstanding the alchemical provenance of the Philosopher's Stone (not made up by JKR) versus the utterly lame Sorcerer's Stone. And a less compelling reason to hate and revile an entire nation must be difficult to come up with.
stop with those shit comments Americans are good people :D
aussies all the way! :PP
Okay, well I thought Steven Fry would be perfect for American listeners because he is a slow reader.
Go figure... The fact that they had to change THE FUCKING TITLE of a book goes a long way to explain
some countries group mentality when dealing with literature. I'm surprised they didn't add bitches, ho's,
automatic weapons and crack cocaine into the mix, you know to appeal to a mass market. Mind you,
this is for people who buy food in buckets...

oh and Koshiki...

I draw the line at criticism of Matt Smith cast a Doctor Who. He's cool as a bow tie. Considering that the last
decent Sci Fi show the States produced was Babylon 5, and that was nearly cancelled before it ended its arc.
Nearly TWENTY years ago. Im surprised that any thing remotely interesting lasts more than a series.
Dr WHo has had some shit leads in its 40 odd years history, but Matt Smith 'aint one of 'em.

Im sure you could listen to Steven Fry read an encyclopaedia all day but I'm betting you still would understand it.

10/10 download btw! tyvm
this is simply wonderful, been looking for the original version for ages! many thanks!!!
Thanks a lot !
American .. English .. I'm Scots' .. whatever.

Your getting this read into your noggin (brain) for free.

Peace ^.^
English, American ... whatever, I'm Scots'.

It's all the same whatever the title ... enjoy, you'r getting it for free..

Why are there so many America haters on here? You guys just need to chill. And no, they didn't change the name due to the lack of intelligence of Americans, we are just more familiar with the term sorcerer than philosopher. Americans have a different vocabulary, so what? My lord, people on here can be rude.
Americans really are fucking stupid-
It's Philosopher's, not Sorcerer's

i hate america, something something i understand what a philosopher is, i'm so smart something something am i cool yet??????

great torrent, btw, fast d/l
great audio books. love stephen fry
Firstly, thank you for your time uploading it.

Pauls comments doesn't reflect everyones view in the UK, just the small minded idiots that go smashing up shop fronts - just for giggles.

Yes I'm British. Yes I've visited the US.
Did I dislike some people in the US: Yes
Did I like some people in the US: Yes
Do I dislike some people in the UK: Yes
Do I like some people in the UK: Yes
@ThisSiteRocks puts it perfectly.

Comment below from Paul about Jim Dale. He is a white Brit. Just a tip, if your going to be racist, it only works if you insult someone outside of your own country.

Have a nice life.
British English sounds like music to my ears. I'm not a native speaker.
Who the hell is this Stephen Fry? Jim Dale or nothing.
@Kyrinn Stephen Fry is a genius. He puts far more expression and character into his reading and makes the audiobooks far more enjoyable than the useless American Jim Dale.
Thank you
Well this torrent is great!!
Thank you very much !!!!!!!

Many thanks! For those sleepless nights when i'm too tired to read but not tired enough to sleep.
@ roketjack wow, i didnt even know you could even do that. I've never messed with the options in utorrent before in case i messed something up. I've just had a click about in utorrent & found the option in the 'Files' tab. Nice one!
The Order of the Phoenix has some clipping issues, whole sections are gone.

The Deathly Hallows seem to be missing the last few seconds of every chapter. I'm up to ch. 11, and they're all cut short.

Not huge issues, but it kills the immersion. The rest is ok, though some chapters seems to have a lower sound quality. I'm not quite sure, but I think I remember the last chapter of The Half Blood Prince had a lower quality than the rest.